I went to the house today just to see if I was locked out, and I was. Site Supervisor was there in his car and I didn't even realize it so I finally met him. He seemed really nice and switched on kinda guy. I need to measure up windows for the blinds but I had the kids with and it's all muddy outside with all this RAIN!
So...I am in love! With my kitchen cupboards that is. They were in and looking great! I didn't get to take any pictures and it was only a quick visit with SS there. Technically not meant to just show up and let me in unless paperwork has been signed and approved but he didn't seem to mind. He gave me the update. This week tiles should be finished and next week will be painting!!
Today I made final decisions about the flooring and will put down deposit and order tomorrow. I bought the pendants on E-bay, should be here in 10 working days. I have a bid on the exact oyster lights I wanted for $50 for 12 lights from my neighboring suburb, i think they came out of a display home. What are the chances of that happening!! I hope I get them, that would be a STEAL!
As soon as I get the exact measurements for the windows I will order all the blinds. I have decided on these white Shutter Blinds and Standard Verticals for the sliding doors.